Friday 17 April 2015

Some Unknown Facts about Tagetes Oil

We all are aware with the toxic products which are used in pest controlling, but still we have to make it do to remove the mosquitos, bed bugs and others. Here we are suggesting to use Tagettes essential oil, which is highly effective natural essential oil widely popular for its antimicrobial, antiparasitic, anti-spasmodic, insecticide, disinfectant, antibiotic and sedative properties. Tagetes is also popular by some other names like Mexican Marie Gold & Khaki Bush and it is botanically known as Tagetes Minuta. Essential oil is extracted from the stem, stalk, leaves and flowers of tagettes plant. The main components of this essential oil are tagetone, valeric acid, limonene, and ocimene.

This useful oil is not found popularity in aromatherapy nor in perfumery despite having a sweet fragrance. It has a great reputation as an antiseptic and anti-parasitic. It simply neutralizes the harmful effects of the stings and bites of bed bugs, lice, fleas and mosquitoes, which are most harmful and annoying parasites for mankind. It is also very beneficial against the microbe's growth in the body thus, protect the body from infections. Tagetes oil is very good for wiping out the infectious diseases caused by protozoa, fungi, or bacteria, like cholera, tetanus, malaria, etc.

As an antibiotic, it inhibits the biotic growth and in the context of pathology the biotic growth means the growth of protozoa, fungi, bacteria and other parasites in the body which are the main cause of various diseases. Tagetes is highly beneficial for sedating the irritation and inflammation in the nervous, excretory, digestive, and neurotic systems. Additionally, the Tagetes is also used for curing the burns, wounds, Athlete's foot, dermatitis, and other various types of skin disorders.

Furthermore, Tagetes essential oil have also superior class antispasmodic property, it relaxes the body from any kind of spasm and gives instant relief from diarrhea, cramps, coughs and convulsions. To get more information about various pure and natural quality essential oils, visit


Exceptional Medicinal Values of Caraway Essential Oil

The medicinal properties of the seeds of caraway have been elaborated in various religious books. Caraway essential oil has some highly beneficial components such as Limonene, Cumuninic Aldehyde, Acetaldehyde, Carvone, and Furfurol which make this oil highly important for medication.
This essential oil is extracted by utilizing the seeds of the caraway plant which is scientifically acknowledged as Carum Carvi. The seeds of caraway are widely used as a basic ingredient of the spice in India and European countries.

The oil is a popular remedy to increase the production of the milk in lactating mothers and it is also very useful for enhancing both quality and the quantity of the milk. This oil can tremendously neutralize the histamine effects which are the major reason behind the exhausting and disruptive coughs.

It is highly beneficial for curing the colon, respiratory, digestive, excretory and urinary systems infections of the body. By inhibiting the growth of fungi and bacteria, it also prevents the wound infections and ulcers. Due to its antiseptic property, it is also helpful the wounds that induce the development of tetanus.

This essential oil is very beneficial for strengthening the cardiac muscles, maintaining proper heart rate, preventing hardening of arteries and veins, lowering the cholesterol level in the blood, and also lowering the blood pressure, hence it is very helpful for the overall health of the heart.

It is also used to stimulate the secretion of acids, gastric bile, and gastric juices into the stomach, thus it is highly beneficial for various digestive and stomach problems. It increases the quantity and frequency of the urine excretion, so, it is also beneficial for renal calculi, obstructed urination and high blood pressure. Caraway oil is also good for the treatment of the delayed menstruation by opening the blocked menstruation.

Caraway essential oil is a premium class expectorant. By smelling this powerful oil, the congestion caused by the coughs and colds can be removed quickly. It also gives the instant relief in nasal track inflammation caused by colds and other disease. It is very helpful for keeping you awake and alert by stimulating the cycles & systems functioning in the body. It easily tones the liver, skin, muscles, heart, induce the energy & strength and makes you recharged and ever young. Visit for more more details about pure quality natural oils.

Thursday 16 April 2015

The Inside Secrets of Essential Oils: Ambrette Seed & Spikenard Oil

Over the ancient time, the essential oils are kept using for getting relief from various ailments of the body and it is continuing till now. Besides using chemical products, these are the best way to stay healthy.
The ripened seeds of the Ambrette plant are used for the extraction of the Ambrette seed oil. Ambrette plant comes from Malvaceae family and its botanical name is Abelmoschus Moschatus. It is a native to India and finds its popularity as Mushkdana or Kasturi Bhendi. Due to its highly aromatic property, it is used in cosmetic and perfumery industry.
The Ambrette seeds are extensively used for a number of therapeutic purposes, including its use in the treating of muscular aches, and pains. In China Ambrette Seed Oil is used for the treatment of headaches. The seed of this plant is placed between cloths for keeping away insects.

The seed oil of Ambrette is used for the treatment of anxiety, depression, fatigue and stressful conditions. This essential oil is also utmost useful for treating muscular aches, hormonal imbalance, anxiety. It is also beneficial for the detoxification of the body occurred due to depression, nervous tension, drugs and insecticide.
Spikenard is one of the effective essential oils in the industry. It is extracted using steam distillation of the resin of the Spikenard plant which is also popular by the name of Jatamansi in India and is native to Nepal.

Some important constituents like clalarenol, coumarin, aristolene, calarene, dihydroazulenes, nardostachone, valerianol, jatamanshinic acid, nardol, valeranal and valeranone found in it is the main cause of its higher medicinal properties.

Here are some of the attributes of Spikenard given below:
1. The oil of spikenard is very helpful for curing the fungal infections inside the body and on the skin.
2. It is also good against bacterial infections. For protecting the bacterial infections, this oil is applied on the wounds and it is also used to cure the infections in urinary bladder, kidneys and urethra caused by the bacteria.
3. Spikenard essential oil is a famous sedative and it is utmost beneficial for maintaining the mental, psychological and physical balances.

4. The Spikenard Oil is also used for the treatment of fever, varicose veins, pain in the vagina, allergies, and regeneration of cells.

Monday 13 April 2015

Knowledgeable Facts about the Essential Oils

The efficient use of the essential oils makes us healthy. Using the essential oils for treating various body problems is a fast and natural method to stay fit and healthy.

The Curry Leaf plant is botanically acknowledged as Murray Koenig and is native to India. The leaves of this plant have a reserved place in the Indian spice due to their unique and pleasant aroma. The fragrant leaves of this plant are used for the extraction of the oil by utilizing the steam distillation.

The curry leaves have a little amount of aromadendrene & beta-elemene, which are responsible for its antimicrobial properties. The Curry Leaf essential oil is widely used as an antimicrobial, anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective and hypercholestorolemic. The essential oil of curry leaf oil is a good natural way for the treatment of hair problems like hair fall, premature hair growing. Further, a regular massage of this oil shows an outstanding result in the overall growth of hair.

This oil is also used for lowering down the raised blood pressure, which is a great cause of stress. Owing to its anti-oxidant property, curry leaf oil is very useful to prevent the growing marks of aging. In addition to this, this essential oil has also been credited for imparting a great effect in curing hepatitis, dysentery, infertility, nausea, and night-blindness. To give the perfumes a sweet, spicy fragrance with a bitter undertone, this essential oil is also widely used.

The botanical name of Davana plant is Artemisia pallens that is highly popular as Dgavanam and its native place is India. The essential oil of Davana is also extracted by making use of the steam distillation process of its stem and leaves. Davana oil's color is green to brownish and have woodsy & balsamic odor. Davana essential oil is highly acclaimed in the perfumery because of its peculiar property of creating different scent on different individuals.

This essential oil is a highly cherished worldwide owing to its illustrious medicinal values and sweet fragrance. It is highly beneficial for reducing Anxiety, coughs, wound healing, antiseptic, and induce menstruation. Its incredibility is hidden in its unmatched property as it is used more due to its anti-depressant, antiseptic, antiviral, antispasmodic, decongestant, antimicrobial, anti-fungal, hypotensive, disinfectant, stomachic, antioxidant, expectorant, relaxant, aphrodisiac and mucolytic properties. This oil is a better promoter of positive energy & spiritualism which is very important to assist mankind from getting rid of the condition of shock, disappointment, trauma and shock.

Apart from this, Davana oil also has the anti-virus property, so it is used to heal different kinds of viral infections like cough, cold, and flu, etc. It is also highly effective against the infections of bacteria, fungi and other various types of microbes.

Multipurpose Essential Oils: Cade Oil & Ginger Grass Oil

Essential oils are the best known natural healing methods. These are derived from natural resources. The trained professionals who know the right use of these essential oils are known as the practitioners of aroma therapy. Juniper trees which are botanically known as Juniperus oxycedrus is the source of the extraction of Cade essential oil. This plant has its origin in India, France and Germany. In the middle of the nineteenth century, this oil has been coming into French medicine. It has dark brown to orange color, soluble in alcohol and insoluble in water. The Cade oil blends well with various carrier oils such as rosemary, lavandin, origanum, clove, cedarwood and thyme oil. This oil has not an appealing aroma, its aroma is smoky like dry aroma of tar still it is extensively used in food and perfumery industry due to its unique aroma.
This oil has higher medicinal values, so it is widely for the treatment of the health conditions such as diabetes, bronchitis and high blood pressure. It is also used to treat the skin and hair related problems like skin eruptions, hair loss, dandruff, dermatitis and eczema. There are some excellent chemical constituents in Cade oil, which provide anti-microbial, analgesic, anti-puristic, disinfectant and antiseptic property in it. It is also used in cosmetic industries in manufacturing skin creams, anti-dandruff shampoos and ointments.
There is another wonder of the nature, it is Ginger grass essential oil, which have sharp, bitter and spicy aroma. The Ginger grass is a perennial herb and is native to India. Essential oil obtained from the Ginger grass is a time-honored and highly important ingredient of a number of Ayurvedic formulations prescribed for treating inflammation, joint pain, sinusitis, allergies, muscular aches, loss of libido, sore throat, depression, dermatitis, cough, common cold and some other health disorders. In Sanskrit language, it is popular as Sofiya.
This oil is obtained by the steam distillation method and is yellow to light brown in color. In aromatherapy, this oil is used to improve the blood circulation, reducing and calming the stress and opening the sinus passages. It is an euphoric, mood uplifting and aphrodisiac oil. The Ginger grass essential oil is used to add green & sharp scent in various men's colognes. This essential oil is chemically composed of perillyl alcohol, myrcene, and limonene. It is very helpful to harmonize the psychological pain, so it is widely used by the experts in aromatherapy. Moreover, Ginger grass oil is also a perfect natural oil for the treatment of various kinds of various, bacterial and fungal infection. Additionally, it is also good for sinusitis, acne, immune system, intestinal infections, vaginitis, nervous exhaustion and urethritis.

Monday 6 April 2015

Health Benefits of Tagetes and Arachis Essential Oil

The plant of Tagetes Minuta that is widely known as Marigold is used for the extraction of Tagetes essential oil. In gardening, to repel nematodes and kill certain kinds of unwanted weeds, this plant is used. Also, this plant has the higher ability to recondition the soil. The essential oil of Tagetes has sweet, pleasant, fruity, strong fragrance and it is widely used all over the world due to its effectiveness in treating infections.

Owing to its antispasmodic and calming properties, it is used for the treatment of the respiratory problems. Highly beneficial for spasms in the body, the essential oil of Tagettes also provides relief from convulsions, spasmodic coughs, diarrhea, and cramps.

This oil has tranquilizing and sedative properties that stay pain, inflammation, and irritation in the nervous system, respiratory system and digestive system of the body. It helps in soothing of mind and relieves anger, depression, stress, anxiety and other different kinds of negative feelings. Tagetes oil also contains anthelmintic, fungicidal, carminative, antispasmodic, stomachic and emmenagogue properties, so It is massively used in several pharmaceutical and medicinal products.

Another one is Arachis oil that is also known as Peanut oil, is recognized for its unique taste and flavor. It is widely used in the cuisine of various countries including India. Its major components are linoleic acid and oleic acid, which are fatty acid. It also contains some other kinds of fatty acids like palmitic acid, arachidonic acid, behenic acid etc.

Arachis is a perennial flowering plant, comes to Leguminous family. This plant grows excellent in clay and sandy soils and attain the height up to 1 ft. This oil is obtained from the kernels of peanut by making use of cold pressing method. It is neutral in taste, yellow colored and nutty aroma.

Basically used for cooking for adding the crazy taste to various recipes, this oil is also used in aromatherapy. It can be used as a massage oil for energizing the body, for the treatment of dandruff, for moisturizing the lips. Arachis oil is also highly beneficial for maintaining proper level of cholesterol and reducing the high blood pressure. It can be blended well with various other kinds of essential oils.


Davana Oil - A Natural Remedy

Davana is an annual herb which grows up to 18 inches in height and is famous across the globe for its sweet & pleasant fragrance and uncountable medicinal values. In India, it is used for glorifying the idol of Lord Shiva. Davana is Botanically popular as Artemisia pallens and comes in the daisy family.
The stem, flowers, and leaves of this plant is used as a highly effective disinfectant and antiseptic for quick treatment of cuts, wounds and other kinds of infectious ailments like cold, cough, measles etc. The essential oil extracted from Davana has also been an important part of medicinal practices like traditional Chinies Medicine and Unani.
The Davana essential oil is extracted from the leaves and the stem of this herb by the utilization of steam distillation method. It is extensively used in Ayurveda in the treatment of high blood pressure, mental disorders, depression, cough, cold, measles, infections, diabetes, etc.
This essential oil is highly beneficial due to its anti-depressant, antiseptic, aromatic, antimicrobial, anti-fungal, antiviral, antispasmodic, disinfectant, decongestant, emmenagogue, stomachic, hypotensive, anthelmintic, antioxidant, relaxant, vulnerary, expectorant, nervine, mucolytic and aphrodisiac properties.
Used for the treatment of both external & internal infections, Davana oil destroys that microorganism that affect the internal body organs such as, bladder, kidney, urinary track & urethra. The anti-viral property of this oil strengthens the body’s immune system to strongly work against viral attacks. It has the ability to penetrate the cyst of virus which is a protective layer of the virus so, it can easily kill viruses without any trace. Because of this attribute, it has been extensively used to treat viral infections such as influenza, measles etc.
Also useful for opening the blocked menstruation, Davana oil eradicates some other symptoms like fatigue, pelvic pain, nausea and cramps. Although, it is a non toxic oil yet it can cause the irritation in the pregnant women so, it should be avoided from them.

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